Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rob Bell

I enjoyed this reading. I think that what MAdV did was amazing. I think examples like this is what makes YouTube great. At the end of the day, this medium of film/video is just another way of self expression. A way to get people to feel something about the world around them and thats exactly what he did. I don't think it needs to be classified as a documntary or an experiental video. I think when you try to classiify something like this, it takes away from the range of things it could be. The fact that most people in this age have some form of video equipment and a computer, and we have a platform like youtube, people who would never express themselves or make statements about the world are now doing so and its adding to popular culture. Me and my friends talk about youtube videos more now than we do about the mainstream movies and tv shows we see.

Rob Bell

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hot Spots, Avatars, and Narrative Fields

I would like to start this off by saying that I completely regret volunteering to write about this article. I also would like to apologize for posting late, but to be honest it took me a long time to KIND OF understand this. Basically what I got out of this was Marsha Kinder's explanation of the methods used by, filmmaker, Luis BuÒuel. Kinder talks about "surrealistic jolts" which seems to be when something random appears or happens in the film that takes the viewer out of reality. While I find this experimental technique to be appealing and interesting, that may just be due to my fascination for the weird and creative. Most of the time I also don't quite understand the meaning behind BuÒuel's aesthetics descisions, unless I am told. For example, in one of his films there is a cow laying on a bed for, what appears to be, no real reason, but apparently as Kinder explains: "The cow on the bed in L'Age d'or is one of Bunuel's most notorious incongruous objects, helping to transform the heroine's bedroom into a warp zone that transports her directly into the realm of desire." Maybe I'm just being ignorant, or perhaps if I saw the film i would understand it more, but I would never think of a cow as a symbol of desire. What I found most interesting about the whole article was the relation between BuÒuel's techniques and dreams. Because dreams are so spontaneous and are a mix between reality and subconsciousness I find BuÒuel's methods accurate in a depiction of a dreamworld.

-Max Hull

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

pat white

It seems that it should be easy to discern the difference between the definition of "myth" and its synonyms after reading this selected work, but these answers remain elusive and hard to decode. Sal does a great job at breaking down the culturally selective attributes of myths, using the example of a Christmas tree. It seems relevant to keep in mind culture when speaking of mythology; interpretations may vary.

pat white

It seems that it should be easy to discern the difference between the definition of "myth" and its synonyms after reading this selected work, but these answers remain elusive and hard to decode. Sal does a great job at breaking down the culturally selective attributes of myths, using the example of a Christmas tree. It seems relevant to keep in mind culture when speaking of mythology; interpretations may vary.

pat white

It seems that it should be easy to discern the difference between the definition of "myth" and its synonyms after reading this selected work, but these answers remain elusive and hard to decode. Sal does a great job at breaking down the culturally selective attributes of myths, using the example of a Christmas tree. It seems relevant to keep in mind culture when speaking of mythology; interpretations may vary.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wanna D. Coker


pat white
pat white